Services & Facilities

SALT BATH NITRIDING (Liquid Nitriding) with POST OXIDATION (optional)              

  • Nitriding with special salts made for salt bath nitriding  process .
  • Short treatment time ensures quick delivery.
  • Salt bath nitriding improves surface properties of plain Carbon Steels, Alloy Steels and Cast Iron.


  • Components are processed at suitable temperature in contact with nitrogenous atmosphere.
  • Case depths upto 0.6 mm can be achieved.
  • Alloy Steel and S.G. Iron can be nitrided to get the best advantage


  • Precise control of the Nitriding Process is automatic and fully recorded.
  • Nitrided layer of good case depth and high surface hardness.
  • Minimal distortion of components.
  • Ideal for Stainless Steel, Maraging Steel, Alloy Steel, S.G. Iron and Cast Iron.


Our Laboratory for quality control is equipped with:

  • Vickers and Brinell hardness testing machine – 1 kgs to 50 kgs load.
  • Vickers micro hardness testing machine – 5 gms to 1000 gms load.
  • Metallurgical microscope.
  • Salt Bath Analysis.